Cioccolati Gourmet
Cioccolati Gourmet has a BIG WALL OF CHOCOLATE. It’s massive. They’ve obviously been to see a Willy Wonka movie, and made some notes. Creamy liquid chocolate oozing down an entire wall. If you’re stood anywhere near the building you can’t possibly miss it. It’s like a statement of intent. And if you’re in the chocolate business, which evidently they are; it’s a pretty good statement to make.

Natale has some really fancy pants chocolates in it’s window and some extremely elegant pastries. Peering through the glass, you see lovely tall ceilings matched with an early twentieth century vibe (a tad deco), which help to bring life to a building that would otherwise probably be quite insignificant in that area.
And life they do bring, and lots of it. Natale is usually rammed, and with good reason. They do by far the most tasteful range of sweets/chocolates/cakes and ice cream in the old city of Lecce, and they are all very delicious too.